Sunday, August 18, 2013



I have had an idea bouncing around in my head for quite sometime now. An idea that life is short, an idea that life is beautiful, and most importantly, the idea that my own life does not measure up to those past two statements.

I am a photographer, I desperately want to capture beautiful moments. I desperately want to tell other's stories. But when it comes to my own life, it's messy.
My house is never how I want it to be. There is clutter, dirty dishes, and toys EVERYWHERE.

I have wanted to take pictures of my kids ( so many times) in thier element but the mess always stands in my way. "I don't want *that* in my pictures" I think to myself. "Maybe when I have a beautiful house, then i will capture these memories"
"Of COURSE so and so takes pictures of their kids everyday, they have the perfect life."


I will no longer let those objects stand in my way. I will photograph my kids. I will be real. I will paint a real story. And maybe, just maybe, as I watch my children through my lens I will see beauty instead of mess. Maybe I will learn to enjoy life just a little bit more or maybe even ALOT more!

I know I'm not the first person to start a project like this. There are many projects out there that have the same heart behind them. But for me it was important to label this #thetruth. I never want to be swayed into not capturing the moment because it isn't perfect. If you want to follow my story you can follow me @ or by searching for #thetruth on Facebook and Instagram




Unknown said...

I love this idea so much and can so relate to what you are saying! You are inspiring me to follow in your footsteps :)

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